A Trip to Berlin with MPS

A Trip to Berlin with MPS

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DCU Media Production Society
On the cold morning of January 21st 2019, MPS members from across the country made their way to Dublin airport. Excitement grew as the plane began to land but was temporarily interrupted when the fresh -6 degree air hit us. The first night, the group had some time to explore and eat. We stumbled across a beautiful Italian called Amici Amici in Mehringdamm and collectively filled up on pizza, pasta and wine.
MPStimonials - BDO

MPStimonials - BDO

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DCU Media Production Society
Hello there friends, I’m Conor and you may know me as that guy from MPS who you don’t really know what he does and that’s okay cause I’m here to tell you. I’m the Brand & Design Officer (BDO) for MPS this year which means I have two main jobs. The first is maintaining, improving and ensuring that the MPS brand is held to the highest possible standard. This means working with the entire committee to make sure our brand is on everything from stings to vlogs to posters and this also means I spend a lot of time working with our lovely PRO Kate.
Let’s Talk Game of Thrones

Let’s Talk Game of Thrones

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DCU Media Production Society
The time has come, my fellow Westerosi, with a mere 2 weeks to go until the premiere of the final Season 8, we’re on the homestretch to finally tie up every loose end Game of Thrones has left us with. I am but a newbie to the world of the 7 Kingdoms and having only finished the series (literally this evening), I’m feeling a tad empty inside and need to fill the void until the 14th of April by talking about it.
MPStimonials- Deputy DCUfm Station Manager

MPStimonials- Deputy DCUfm Station Manager

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DCU Media Production Society
YO who’s ready for another sick ass testimonial, courtesy of the MPS blog. My name is Dylan Mangan and I’ve been blessed with the privilege of being the Deputy Station Manager this year, read the following glorified rant about my experience and love of all things radio below. As your Deputy Station Manager, I have ensured the day to day maintenance of DCUfm this year, as well as being a vital team player for MPS in all its forms.
MPStimonials- Chairperson

MPStimonials- Chairperson

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DCU Media Production Society
Chairgal - Hanzgal Well hello there, it looks like it’s my turn to be next to dish the deets of what exactly my role is for the MPStimonials! As Chairperson of MPS my job is to ensure things are running and as smoothly as possible. To say I oversee things would be a role of mine and I do by all means, but really the committee have the majority of it covered when it comes to running their own individual workshops and events which makes my job fairly easy most of times!
MPStimonials- Secretary

MPStimonials- Secretary

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DCU Media Production Society
Hello dear reader and welcome to another MPStimonials! This week you have the pleasure of reading all about the role of Secretary - written by yours truly (Sarah, for those who don’t know) x My ‘journey’ to becoming secretary is a slightly unusual one. At the end of my first year, it was the position I originally wanted to run for, and I went as far as to meet up with the current secretary, Billy, to find out all I could about the job.


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DCU Media Production Society
The MPS Blog is written by the members of MPS and is entirely media based. It shows how media is a part of everything including sports, music and everyday politics. Past stories on the blog have included film music and documentary reviews, opinion pieces and top picks for all media elements.